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Delivering results for Berrien County

Our harbors along the shores of Lake Michigan are not only beautiful during a sunset, but they also serve as critical sources of economic activity. This summer, communities such as St. Joseph, South Haven, and Saugatuck will have bustling marinas, packed beaches, and tourists flocking to visit the small businesses that help make each town unique. In order for the Lakeshore local economy to reach its full potential, these harbors must be properly dredged.

Last week, the Army Corps of Engineers updated their FY 2023 work plan for the Great Lakes. In the run up to this release, my office has been working behind the scenes to make sure the federal government lives up to its obligations to our lakeshore communities. I am happy to report that all three harbors received funding.

St. Joseph’s inner harbor will receive just over $1 million for dredging activities as well as an additional $560,000 for repairs on the North Pier. This is big news for Berrien County because in addition to summer recreation and tourism, St. Joseph Harbor is the point of entry for significant shipments of aggregate and other materials that are crucial for construction projects across Southwest Michigan including work along the I-94 corridor.

This great news builds on a string of policy changes I have authored, led, or supported to strengthen the Great Lakes economy. These efforts include having the Great Lakes recognized as a unified body for water infrastructure purposes, leading a bipartisan effort to fully restore the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, and increasing the percentage of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund dollars that go to the Great Lakes. Keeping the government accountable for the promises it has made to lakeshore communities is one of my top priorities.

As your voice in Congress, I will continue to stand up for Berrien County and the individuals, families, and small businesses that call the 4th District home!

If you need help navigating a federal agency, please visit Huizenga.House.Gov or call my office in Holland at (616) 251-6741 or in Washington at (202) 225-4401 so we can assist you.


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