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Writer's pictureTri-City Record

Rolling Back the Years

News from the Coloma Courier

100 years ago – 1923

It is reported that at least half the homes in Coloma have one or more family members sick this past week. This is keeping the physicians and prescription clerks busy with sick room necessities.

Jacob Friday has been elected to the board of directors of the Co-Operative Mining Co. It is reported that the Co-Operative has such potential possibilities.

I have opened a shoe repair shop in M. D. Grant’s store. G. T. Holmgren, Shoemaker

60 years ago – 1963

Due to overcrowding, Coloma School will go into split-sessions this fall. This will affect grades seventh through 12th.

Mrs. Allen Stark provides a wonderful 1912 photo of the Inter-Urban stopping near Scott’s Drug Store. Thank you, Mrs. Stark.

The case of “People vs. Chet Krutel, Chief of Police” is doubtful that it will ever reach the court docket. The issue is from a deer being hit by a car and suffering broken legs. The driver then put the deer out of its misery.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sebestyen Jr. announce the engagement of their daughter, Pamela to Bruce King. No date has been set for the wedding.

30 years ago – 1993

Not Honest Abe… but a pretty good look-alike is Richard Veit. Richard, 53, has been portraying our most famous president for eight years. He will visit schools and groups this February 12, Lincoln’s birthday.

LaSalle Savings Bank and State Bank of Coloma present checks to the Fire Department. Funds are being raised to purchase “Jaws of Life.” Randy’s AMOCO made the initial donation.

Lisa Thornton and Erich Smith announce the birth of their daughter, Hailey Nicole. Hailey weighted 6 pounds, 15-1/2 ounces.

Charles D. Kibler has earned a Bachelor of Science engineering degree from the University of Michigan. Some 2,000 students earned degrees.

Submitted by volunteer Sandi Musick Munchow at Coloma Public Library from the Coloma Courier newspapers donated by the Tri-City Record.

Hours: Mon-Thu 9-7; Fri & Sat 9-2

Phone: 269-468-3431

News from the Hartford Day Spring

100 years ago - 1923

“Ideals rule the world, and we cannot have good citizenship without ideals of good citizenship,” declared Rev. J.S. Hamilton, former pastor of the Federated Church speaking at the weekly luncheon of the Hartford Kiwanis club. Rev. Hamilton chose “An Ideal for a Country Community,” as his subject, and declared that five things were essential in forming the ideal of a community like Hartford. The first essential is a good market for the products of the farm and second, good trading places or stores. The third is good schools where the advantages of education are provided. The fourth is clean, wholesome recreation and the fifth is good religious life.

80 years ago - 1943

The Hartford Junior Mother’s club met at the home of Mrs. Ann Lee on Jan. 20. Ten members were present. A short business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Lou Keech. Plans were made to entertain the husbands of the club members at a party to be given at the town hall on Friday evening.

The bake sale which the club held at Conaway’s studio on Jan. 16 was pronounced a success and the club members express their appreciation to all those who assisted with it. Refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lou Keech.

60 years ago - 1963

Another blizzard, which by yesterday threatened to be as bad as the December storm, roared into the Hartford area this week, closing schools, filling roads and piling on more snow. This time it was high winds more than the volume of snowfall that plagued highway crews. Heavy drifting occurred Sunday, and after a brief respite from the blow, the wind came up again yesterday and roads were filing in again after being open only briefly.

Hartford schools were closed Monday and Tuesday. They opened yesterday morning, but children were sent home at noon on advice from the county road commission. During the last seven weeks of school, school has been closed for 9-1/2 days because of weather, the longest storm-forced closing on record.

Submitted by Librarian Stephanie Daniels at Hartford Public Library from microfilm copies of the Hartford Day Spring.

Hours: Mon & Wed 10-7; Tue, Thu & Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2

Phone: 269-588-5103

News from the Watervliet Record

90 years ago - 1933

A real old-fashion wood cutting bee was indulged in when men of the Watervliet Methodist Episcopal Church equipped themselves with axes and saws and spent two and one-half days cutting wood on the Frank Danneffel and Smith farms six miles south of Watervliet. The wood was donated to the church by Frederick Bottleir, who has purchased the timber.

Michigan can be proud of Senator Couzens for his constructive ideas to establish a camp for taking care of our idle boys who hitchhike, beg, loaf, trump, hobo, from coast to coast with no work to be had—if the chance to work ever does return to this fair land of ours.

60 years ago - 1963

Mrs. Sara Bridges is observing her 94th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Bridges is believed to be the oldest person now living in Watervliet. She was born Jan. 31, 1869. She is in excellent health, does her own housework and shopping and enjoys reminiscing with friends.

A group of Watervliet area boys will fight in the Golden Gloves matches to be held at South Haven Armory. These boys will be represented in the flyweight, welterweight, lightweight and middleweight divisions. Accompanying them will be their manager, Frank Pflugradt, and trainer, Tom Dunham.

30 years ago - 1993

Junior Shawn Duck has been named “Student of the Week” at Watervliet High School. Shawn is a conscientious and talented young man. He is attending the Van Buren Vocational-Technical Center in Lawrence, training in the electrical-mechanical program. The Voc-Tech Center honored Shawn as student of the month in November because of his excellent work. The training he is receiving is already being applied at his part-time job at Riverside Electric.

Winterfest ‘93 was blessed with wonderful weather and plenty of fun for the entire family. More than 60 ice sculptures graced Main Street, from a tableau of Beauty and the Beast characters to the first unveiling of a 1394 Dodge Ram pickup truck in front of Brookfield’s. The ice carving of the truck was from early, up to now, unpublished plans of the new truck to be released later this year. The Winterfest tug-o-war was won by the host team, WBA, but not without tremendous battles.

Submitted by Sally Q. Gonzalez from files at Watervliet District Library of the Watervliet Record newspapers donated by the Tri-City Record.

Hours: Mon & Wed, 10-7; Tue & Thu 10-6; Fri 10-5; Sat 9-3

Phone: 269-463-6382


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