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Commissioners told of potential plans for Paw Paw River kayak launch in Hartford Twp.

In a very short meeting on Thursday, Jan. 14 Hartford Township Supervisor Ron Sefcik informed the township board that Michigan updates to the law regarding the 2021 Property Tax Poverty Exemption Guidelines and Hardship Applications requires that poverty guidelines from 2020 be used. The applications can now be approved by the Board of Review rather than having a vote. The Board of Review can extend out exemptions for up to three years.

There is also a new requirement that the board must approve a resolution annually to allow people to submit hardship applications by mail or email rather than being present.

Additionally, Hartford Township Clerk Julie Sweet announced the township’s participation in a risk-limiting audit for the 2020 general election that is being conducted by the Michigan Secretary of State, which will include election officials from both major political parties in Hartford Township.

Hartford Township request for lawn mowing proposals

Hartford Township Board members also agreed to request proposals for lawn mowing services for the Hartford Township Hall property as well as both Maple Hill Cemetery and Pioneer Cemetery. The request for proposals contains items specific to the lawn maintenance needs for each property and can be found online at

The township is looking to secure contracts that will serve for three years, and will be accepting proposals until Feb. 15 at 5:00 p.m. The Hartford Township Board will open proposals and vote on them to award the contract at a special meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m.

Van Buren County updates

The Hartford Township Board heard updates from Van Buren County Commissioner Mike Chappell including potential plans for a kayak launches on the Paw Paw River, possibly in Hartford Township and Bangor Township. The revised countywide recreation plan is available for viewing online at the Van Buren County website.

Also available online is a sign up list for the COVID vaccine through the Van Buren County Health Department’s website.

The next regular meeting for Hartford Township will occur on Thursday, Feb. 11 at 7:30 p.m.



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