The shocking news of Hartford Public Schools Superintendent Bradley Geesaman’s resignation was first discussed on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 when the Board of Education held a special meeting.
In that meeting, it was motioned by the Secretary, Jason Meachum and seconded by Trustee Lee Mireles, to go into closed session at 7:36 p.m., to return to an open meeting at 8:10 p.m. At which time Meachum moved to approve the resignation of Superintendent Brad Geesaman. Board Vice President Kurt Kuehnle seconded that motion, which was carried.
Geesaman has worked for the school district for over 10 years. He started out as the principal of Woodside Elementary and served in that capacity for four years.
In 2016, Geesaman took over the position of K-12 Curriculum Director and then to Director of Curriculum and Assessment before taking on the role as the Assistant Superintendent. In 2022, after serving as Interim Superintendent, he was named as the Superintendent where he served just shy of two years.
During the special meeting, the board named High School Principal Nick Blackmer as the Short-term Interim Superintendent.
Details of this meeting could only be found on the Hartford Public School’s App where the following letter was disclosed:
May 14, 2024
Attention Hartford Families,
Our Superintendent, Brad Geesaman, resigned effective immediately on Monday, May 13, 2024. We approved Nick Blackmer as the interim superintendent until the position is filled.
HPS Board of Education