In 2010, Michigan was ranked dead last in economic growth compared to other states around our nation. My colleagues and I worked hard on a plan to turn our economy around and make Michigan more competitive. This plan prioritized policies that empowered workers and individuals to make their own choices and supported small businesses across our state. Now, Democrats have introduced legislation to repeal key parts of that plan, including Right to Work. If this repeal passes it would take our state in the wrong direction. I stand ready to lead my Republican colleagues in opposing efforts to undermine this vital legislation.
Pro-freedom legislation such as Right to Work has played a major role in maintaining Michigan’s competitiveness with other states. Repealing it sends the wrong message to companies looking to do business in Michigan and would seriously suppress our economic growth. Right to Work also serves as an important safeguard for workers across Michigan by protecting them from being required to pay union dues as a condition of employment.
One-size-fits-all mandates should not take precedence over personal liberty. The choice to join a union should lie with individual workers, not union bosses. Michigan cannot afford to put far-left partisan interests above those of our citizens. I will continue leading my caucus in supporting pro-freedom policies that keep Michigan competitive, help grow our economy, and protect the rights of workers. If Democrats are serious about making Michigan more competitive and developing our economy, they should be focused on working with us to lower the cost of living for Michiganders rather than attempting to cripple job-creating small businesses and suppress individual freedoms.
Should you have any questions or concerns about the legislature or state government, please do not hesitate to contact my office by going to You may also reach out by calling (517) 373-0793 or by email at My staff would be happy to assist with issues you may be having with state government agencies, and I look forward to listening and learning about your priorities and concerns for our state.