News from the Coloma Courier
100 years ago – 1923
Masons plan a supper, to be followed by work in the second degree at their regular meeting. Card games to your heart’s delight will close down the evening.
The extension school of all farmers will be held at the Community church. Motion pictures for the entire family to enjoy will be shown.
A big demonstration of the merits of the Chevrolet cars will be Saturday. A parade of cars will take place in the afternoon with Clark Electric Company giving a radio concert.
60 years ago – 1963
The annual day for rabies shots was held at Carter’s Farm Supplies. Approximately 250 dogs were serviced. Also, 230 dog tags were sold and recorded by city treasurer, Gladys VanDerveer.
Frank Rzeszut and William Leedy practice teaching in connection with their university studies; Rzeszut is assigned to Coloma, where Leedy is sent to Paw Paw Schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cordaro returned from their vacation in California. They enjoyed Disneyland along with visiting friends and relatives.
Coloma Courier Classified Advertising Rates: two cents a word if paid for when ordered. Service charge for blind advertisement is 25 cents extra.
30 years ago – 1993
Fireman Jack Atherton states the $12,000 goal has been exceeded for the Jaws of Life fund-raiser. Tools for the device can also be purchased.
Coloma Township gave approval of a substantial improvement project at Ravine View Estates. Twenty-nine new sites are proposed along with repaving and recreational equipment.
World Day of Prayer will be held at the First Congregational United Church of Christ. A salad-dessert luncheon will follow the service.
The sixth-grade science students of Miss King and Mrs. Brown’s rooms visited Sarett Nature Center. Charles Nelson and naturalists presented animals and their adaptations. This hands-on learning is a real life experience and reinforces textbook learning.
Submitted by volunteer Sandi Musick Munchow at Coloma Public Library from the Coloma Courier newspapers donated by the Tri-City Record.
Hours: Mon-Thu 9-7; Fri & Sat 9-2
Phone: 269-468-3431
News from the Hartford Day Spring
100 years ago - 1923
The Hartford Woman’s Club for Feb. 20 was observed as Literary Day. The general theme was Modern Writers, both in Prose and Verse. Mrs. Vining favored the club with two musical numbers. Mrs. Agnes Wilkinson read an excellent paper, “The Modern Magazine as a Moulder of Public Opinion.” Five minute papers, sketches of authors, Thomas Nelson Page, Edgar Guest, and Henry Van Dyke were given by Mrs. Anderson.
80 years ago - 1943
The Hartford-Keeler Commercial Farmer club entertained the ladies at a dinner and musical program in the social room of the Hartford Methodist Church. Miss Ilah Decker, music instructor at the Hartford schools, was in charge of the program. It featured several songs by the high school boys’ quartette composed of Robert Colman, Robert Dodd, Keith Lightner and Don Rose. Miss Elsa Lightner joined Decker in presenting three piano duet numbers.
60 years ago - 1963
Hartford had a taste of spring this week. There was sunshine and the temperature got into the 40s, puddles appeared. It was quite a contrast to the weather of only a few days earlier, when school was dismissed early because of another snow storm.
The Hartford Camera Club will observe its 13th anniversary at a hobby night meeting. Miss Dorothy Leptich will show movies and will be co-hostess with Miss Marion Leptich.
Committee chairmen for Hartford’s 1963 activities in connection with the Twin Cities Blossom Festival: Edward Szewczyk and Elwood Jones, float committee; LuAn Korsak, tickets; Diane Van Lierop, keys to the city tour and gifts; Beverly Hampton, publicity; Ruth Selters, flowers; Lillian Lefor, auditorium personnel; Beverly Hollatz, contestants’ tea; Darlene Quigno, dinner and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Shafer, stage.
Progressive Mothers’ club will meet at the home of Mrs. George Olds Jr. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Harold Walker Jr. Roll call topic will be, “A Good One-Dish Meal.” The program will be in charge of Naomi Robinson and Jean Edmonds.
Submitted by Librarian Stephanie Daniels at Hartford Public Library from microfilm copies of the Hartford Day Spring.
Hours: Mon & Wed 10-7; Tue, Thu & Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Phone: 269-588-5103
News from the Watervliet Record
90 years ago - 1933
The Watervliet P.T.A. is sponsoring a dancing party to be given Mar. 22 at Carmody’s Opera House, the proceeds to be used for welfare relief.
Mrs. August Zimmermann celebrated her 83rd birthday at the home of her son, Otto Strelow at Forest Beach. Mrs. Zimmermann is enjoying the best of health. She mostly enjoys long walks and a good old-fashion dance.
Dr. F.W. Brown reports the arrival of a daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Florine Weesaw on March 8.
60 years ago - 1963
There will be a Senior Work Day on March 9. On that day, senior students at Watervliet High School will be available to do all varieties of jobs in the community. The donations derived will go toward the senior class trip to Washington, D.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a reception given in their honor by their children at the Watervliet First Methodist Church. The reception for over 200 friends and relatives took place in the church parlors, beautifully decorated.
A girl, Patricia Lynn, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brown on Feb. 5, 1963, weighing six pounds, 14 ounces.
30 years ago - 1993
Ruth Goss has been named Community Hospital’s “Employee of the Year.” Goss, a hospital employee for 14 years, was nominated for this award by fellow employees. The award goes to one who has exhibited outstanding achievement above and beyond the requirements of their job classifications. To be nominated, one must meet the following criteria: contribute to the improvement of the hospital and department; be friendly and courteous to patients, fellow employees, and visitors; be alert and consistent in job performance.
There were 167 students named to the Dean’s List for academic achievement during the 1962 fall semester at Lake Michigan College; from Watervliet - Joni L. Howley, Julie Le Quire, Phillip Eric McGee, Fulton Moore, and Phyllis E. Moore.
Ronda Rowe was sworn in as Postmaster at Watervliet on Feb. 27, 1993, an open house was attended by more than 30 well-wishers. Rowe comes from the Grand Rapids Post Office. Before that, she worked in her hometown post office of Lawrence for 12 years. She told friends she was glad to be in Watervliet.
Submitted by Sally Q. Gonzalez from files at Watervliet District Library of the Watervliet Record newspapers donated by the Tri-City Record.
Hours: Mon & Wed, 10-7; Tue & Thu 10-6; Fri 10-5; Sat 9-3
Phone: 269-463-6382