News from the Coloma Courier
100 years ago – 1924
The affairs of the Village of Coloma are in the hands of new officers. E. C. Corrigan is President. Three new trustees are Wm. N. VanDerveer, Elton Lahr and James Kibler.
100 years ago – 1924
The affairs of the Village of Coloma are in the hands of new officers. E. C. Corrigan is President. Three new trustees are Wm. N. VanDerveer, Elton Lahr and James Kibler.
News from the Coloma Courier 100 years ago – 1925 A valentine party and cafeteria supper will be given by the Ladies’ Aid Society of the...
Published July 4, 1963 With the approach of August, preparations are in the making for the annual get-together of the Forty Year Club,...
News from the Coloma Courier 100 years ago – 1925 Happy is the man who is not driving his automobile. The price of gasoline has advanced...