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Is there a new religion?

Writer's picture: Pastor David HelmsPastor David Helms

When Paul set out to grow new churches in what was then “Asia Minor”, and which now is Turkey, he came across a place called “Mars Hill” in Athens, Greece. The account of that meeting is found in the Bible location of Acts 17:18-34. The Athenians liked to philosophize about new ideas and religious concepts, so when they heard about Paul’s new (new to them) concepts of the gospel of Jesus Christ, they were curious.

That’s where it ends for many – as a curiosity, a new thing, an interesting fad, not to be taken seriously. Some look a little deeper, maybe for a short time in a “stage” in their journey. Next stage please. None of these ever experience anything transforming. Maybe they’ve taste tested so much they can no longer taste any difference between truth and lies. That’s a very dangerous position to be in. There will come a time when the tasting will be over, and it will be time to clear the dishes. End of choices. It’s scary because it’s so final! “It is given to man once to die, then after that the judgment.” That’s another one of those Bible promises.

My brother came to that point just a few weeks ago. He had looked forward to his “Eternal Promotion” for years! He was 100% confidant in Jesus Christ’s promise, “In very truth I tell you, he who hears my word and believes Him who sent me, has everlasting life, and will not come into judgment. But has passed from death to life.”

Paul got many responses from those ancient curiosity-seekers. A few believed. That’s a good thing.

Don’t miss God’s offer of forgiveness and transforming freedom. Don’t let it remain a curiosity. It’s much more than that. It’s your pathway to eternal life, total forgiveness bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ – paid for once and for all.

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