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Reminiscing With Pearl Playford

Published June 27, 1963

Believe it or not, but the Fourth of July is only one week away. It was on July 4, 1776, just 187 years ago that the Declaration of Independence was signed and the United States gained their independence. In days gone by Independence Day was one of the most important days of the year, but Fourth of July observances seem to be out-dated and this year particularly there is but slight mention of it that I have noticed. It will be just another day in Watervliet. But not so back 70 years ago. In the July 7, 1893 issue of The Record a one column story tells of the celebration here in that year, which might be of interest of many of our older residents. This is it:

“A cool day with no wind to stir the dust which was thick upon every walk and highway, (there were no pavements nor cement sidewalks) were conditions favorable to the promotion of patriotic feeling - or rather to the manifestation of them. Early in the morning people assembled in sufficient numbers to make a good showing in our little town, and later in the day many more arrived on the trains from neighboring towns. All through the day sobriety and good order prevailed, there being no drunkenness to mar the enjoyment of those who wished to celebrate the Nation’s national day in a decorous and becoming manner.

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