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07-23-2020 Letters and Commentary

His last career may well have been his favorite!

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the marvelous send-off you’ve given our father, Bud (Roy) Davis! For Dad and his Chief Accountant this corner of Michigan was home, where they had both grown up and to which they returned when Dad retired. They thoroughly enjoyed the more than three decades they were granted back here among family and friends.

Those retirement decades also gave Bud the opportunity to write his column, The Paw Paw River Journal, for the Tri-City Record, and his last career may well have been his favorite! He loved working with all of you at The Record and considered you family. He valued the feedback from his readers, and he lived for the new stories inspired by the people he encountered. Local history, current world news, all of it became fodder for his column and he had years of fun writing it.

Yes, there were a couple of stories Bud started or actually completed that could be considered “doozies,” and in each case his Chief Accountant suggested he might set it aside for further consideration. They never made it into print. And no, he never minded the weekly deadline.

Several times I asked Dad if he tired of homework every week, and he replied, “Absolutely not! A writer has to write!” He said from time to time his Writing Muse would appear and he’d crank out five or six columns in a very short period of time. He’d send in the batch of stories and take a break till the next appearance. Sometimes he wondered if his Muse had gone for good, especially after Mom died, but his inspiration returned, and he continued to write till he joined his Chief Accountant. His instructions to me were clear, “make sure you send in the last unpublished stories I wrote, especially my last column!”

Our family would like to thank you and your family, our family and friends, and Dad’s readers for all of the support, love, cards, donations, and memorials we’ve received in recent weeks. What a wonderful tribute in time of quarantine; may you all stay well!

Rebecca Steele and the Davis Family

Join me in electing Lora Gnodtke Freehling, for Register of Deeds


I will be voting for Lora Gnodtke Freehling on August 4 for Berrien County Register of Deeds and I urge you to do the same.

Lora became the Register of Deeds in October of 2018 and under Lora’s leadership the transition was seamless. The high quality of service, the level of attention given to each patron, and the accuracy and timeliness of document recordings never wavered.

I have known Lora for a number of years. I know she has the experience and dedication to continue to excel as Berrien County’s Register of Deeds. I know she is dedicated to helping others. I know she is dependable. I know she will do what is right for the residents of Berrien County. And as an elected official, I appreciate her open-door policy and her ability to collaborate with other county departments.

Join me in electing Lora Gnodtke Freehling, for Register of Deeds, in the August 4 Republican primary election.

  1. Paul Bailey Berrien County Sheriff

Take election reform and ethics to Lansing; stay in your lane will voting

Dear Editor,

There are lots of choices in the primary: – two republicans for Congress – two democrats for Congress – two republicans for State Rep. 79th District – two republicans for Treasurer – two republicans for Register of Deeds – mix of county commissioners and municipal leaders, depending the district.

Voters ‘stay in your lane’ while voting in the primary. Do not cross party lines on your ballot.

Michigan Bureau of Elections explains it like this: If you vote for candidates on both sides of the ballot no votes for a candidate on either side of the ballot will count. Because of proposals which are also on the ballot, your ballot would not be spoiled. Your vote for the proposals will still count. But none of your candidate votes will count for either party.

This is a critical point about Michigan’s primary election system. As state representative I want to continue making voting easier for residents and less hassle for municipalities. I also want to reform campaign finance laws.

As a potential member of the Ethics and Elections Committee and Oversight Committee I want to limit SuperPAC candidate contributions, increase lobby firm transparency, and cap campaign spending.

We know that money in politics is the source of government corruption. It’s time to call it out. I will be pleased to apply my knowledge of the legislative process, political experience, collaborative approach, and real-life world view to be the one to call it out.

Thank you for your vote in the republican primary. Together let’s take election reform and ethics to Lansing.

Jacquie Gnodtke Blackwell for State Representative 79th District

Joe Biden is the president we need


Joe Biden is a patriotic leader who believes in the principles of our constitution and cares about the well-being of our country. He is a unifying force in a time of great divisiveness.

Biden supports a health care system that includes every individual and family, an economy that provides opportunities for all working people, and an educational system that offers excellent education to all students.

As Vice-President in the Obama administration, Joe Biden led the fight to pass the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which enabled more than 20 million Americans to obtain health insurance and banned insurance companies from denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions. Today, he is a strong advocate for reducing the cost of prescription medications, lowering the Medicare eligibility age, and adding a public option to the Affordable Care Act.

During the COVID-19 pandemic Joe Biden has been a powerful voice for national leadership and a strong critic of Donald Trump’s weak and ineffectual response to this crisis.

Jobs and wages are at the center of Biden’s agenda. He is committed to “an updated social contract that treats American workers and working families as essential at all times, not just times of crisis – with higher wages, stronger benefits, and fair and safe workplaces.” Joe Biden is a strong advocate for American small businesses, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers.

Biden’s education agenda includes supporting teachers by giving them the pay and dignity they deserve; bringing needed health and mental health support into our schools; investing in high-quality, universal pre-kindergarten; and taking all necessary steps to ensure that every student, regardless of income, race, or disability, is fully prepared to succeed.

Joe Biden is the leader we need. In November we have an opportunity to restore the soul of our nation by voting for Joe Biden to be our next president.

Dr. Larry Feldman, Lakeside

Jacquie Gnodtke Blackwell signs American for Tax Reform Taxpayer Protection Pledge – opposes Rep. Wendzel’s Commercial Fishing Bill

Jacquie Gnodtke-Blackwell announced Monday, July 20 that the Americans for Tax Reform has accepted her signed Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Gnodtke Blackwell is running for state representative in the 79th district; challenging incumbent Pauline Wendzel.

“COVID-19 is calling for a complete overhaul of the way we budget and fund programs. The 101st legislature will need to be creative for the challenge ahead of us – and be willing to re-think budget priorities. I believe that by eliminating waste, fraud and the abuse of our resources, we will have a budget to work with. In addition, residents are struggling with their own losses of income. Therefore, I do not see a need to raise taxes.

“I am honored to sign the Taxpayer protection pledge. As a member of the Michigan House of Representatives, I will oppose all efforts to increase taxes on families and small business, and look for sustainable solutions to alleviate as much burden on small businesses as possible; i.e., reducing the cost of doing business. I will protect the economic gains our state has made and will build on these gains by continuing to cut regulations and keep taxes low.

“My opponent has refused to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. In fact, she has taken the path to increase costs on businesses and consumers by sponsoring a bill as part of a 3-bill package against the Michigan Commercial Fishing industry.” Those House Bills are HB 4567 sponsored by Rep. Jack O’Malley (R-Lake Ann); HB 4568 sponsored by Rep. Pauline Wendzel (R-Watervliet); and HB 4569 sponsored by Rep. Jim Lilly (R-Park Township).

Fellow Republican State Rep. Brad Paquette (Niles) voted against Wendzel’s Commercial Fishing Bill. Gnodtke-Blackwell joins Paquette who also signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.

“These bills go against small business by increasing fees (i.e., taxes), regulations and nanny state demands on the last remaining 13 family-owned commercial fishing businesses in Michigan,” Blackwell said. “The plight of these fishing operations will have a negative ripple effect on restaurants, fish markets and grocery stores.”

If passed by the Senate these bills would in effect smother these small businesses causing Michigan restaurants and consumers to import fish from Canada – with added tariffs; and causing fresh fish to be at least a day older. This is not sensible legislation and needs to be stopped especially in light of businesses that are struggling and closing down.

The Fishing Bills were on the agenda of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources for Wednesday, July 22.

Signing The Taxpayer Protection Pledge is a commitment by candidates and incumbents to oppose any and all tax increases. While American For Tax Reform (ATR) has the role of promoting and monitoring the Pledge, the Taxpayer Protection Pledge is made to a candidate’s constituents, who deserve to know the candidate’s stance on taxes. Since the Pledge is a prerequisite for many voters, it is considered a binding agreement as long as the individual holds the office for which they signed the Pledge.

To learn more about the Taxpayer Protection Pledge please visit

Articles regarding Commercial Fishing can be found at and

For further information about Gnodtke-Blackwell please view:

United Way narrates impact of help to community during coronavirus crisis

United Way of Southwest Michigan recently participated in the statewide launch of a new storytelling campaign, “United We Will,” to share its COVID-19 response stories and the efforts of United Ways across the state amid COVID-19. The stories can be viewed at

“As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, United Ways across the state responded and adapted their efforts to serve those most in need,” said Anna Murphy, President and CEO of United Way of Southwest Michigan. “This campaign provides a platform to share these powerful stories.” As Board Chair of the Michigan Association of United Ways, Murphy said she sees great value in all United Ways in the state coming together as a network with a strong unified message.

On the statewide website, United Ways will share local COVID-19 response efforts, specific problems identified over the past few months, and efforts to address mid- and long-term issues triggered by the pandemic’s economic impact. In addition to the campaign’s landing page, the work of Michigan United Ways will be shared through a social media campaign and podcast episodes.

Amid COVID-19, United Way of Southwest Michigan established the Southwest Michigan Cares Fund, in coordination with the Berrien Community Foundation, to help families in need. The funds allowed UWSM to rapidly deploy resources to community-based organizations, offering emergency relief.

As a nonprofit leader, United Way of Southwest Michigan convened groups of stakeholders to discuss immediate and long-term solutions, including identifying gaps in funding and creating a viable path forward to serve Michigan’s most vulnerable residents.

The United We Will campaign also provides an additional platform to tell the stories of Michigan’s “Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed” (ALICE) population—approximately 43% of households across the state, according to the most recent ALICE Report. ALICE households struggle to afford the basic necessities of housing, childcare, food, technology, healthcare, and transportation.

For more information about United Way of Southwest Michigan, visit UWSM.ORG.

Letters carried forward from 07-16

Message from Spectrum Health Lakeland Foundation President

To Lakeland Health community members,

As many of you know, I will be moving out of the area later this month to be closer to family. As I prepare to move, I’d like to thank you for your support and philanthropy over the past four and a half years. It’s been a tremendous privilege to serve as President of Spectrum Health Lakeland Foundation, working campaigns like our new Pavilion, the Parcourse in Watervliet, and events like Hope Grows. Your generosity has truly inspired me and impacted our community positively for future generations.

As I depart, my colleague and friend, Melinda Gruber will take over as interim president of the foundation. Amidst a time of changes and challenges, she and the foundation team look forward to continuing to work with you as we move forward in our mission of improving health, inspiring hope, and saving lives.

Brandi Smith

President, Spectrum Health

Lakeland Foundation

Dan VandenHeede is the right person for the 78th District


On November 3rd, residents of the 78th district have an opportunity to elect a truly outstanding individual to be our State Representative – Dan VandenHeede.

Having taught with Dan at Dowagiac High School for 25 years, I saw first-hand how much he valued education and how hard he worked toward improving it. Public schools faced many challenges in those years, which Dan met with compassion and intelligence. Dan taught government, civics, history – all social studies – with a passion. He understood his students and adapted his teaching to meet their needs. Going forward, challenges in education and those of the 78th District will require someone with these abilities and background. Dan VandenHeede is that person.

Dan believes in the adage, “Practice what you teach”. While teaching full time, Dan also served as a Niles City Councilman for over 20 years. He has the practical experience of governing his hometown. He understands the needs of the citizens. He is devoted to meeting the challenges of the future in Michigan. Dan would empower the people of the 78th District rather than big businesses and bureaucrats. Unlike his opponent, he is not beholden to big donors, such as the DeVos family.

Recently the President and Secretary of Education have been pushing to fully open all schools in the fall, regardless of the possible health consequences for students and teachers. They have even threatened to make things difficult for schools that don’t comply with their demands. These blanket demands have no regard for individual communities or states. We need elected officials who understand how schools and the communities they serve truly function.

Dan VandenHeede understands both, and this is why I am supporting him for State Representative in the 78th District.

In the ever-changing world we live in, we are going to need principled, knowledgeable, and compassionate leadership. We need Dan VandenHeede for the future of the 78th District!

Teri Frantz, Buchanan

Don’t Be a Party to Underage Drinking

Dear Citizens,

The Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office and the Van Buren County Prosecutor’s Office support the Parents Who Host Lose the Most: Don’t Be a Party to Underage Drinking campaign. Furnishing alcohol, marijuana, or other illegal substances to minors, even your own children, is illegal and can result in serious criminal charges, and quite possibly a civil lawsuit.

Hosting parties where teens are allowed to drink alcohol is extremely dangerous and poses a great risk to the children in attendance. It is illegal to allow minors to drink alcohol in your home, even if you did not personally provide the alcohol. Teens who consume alcohol, marijuana, or other illegal substances risk criminal charges which could negatively impact their future. Teenagers are not equipped to handle the effects of alcohol and could have serious physical reactions or engage in behavior which causes harm to themselves or others. Furthermore, parents who host these parties send the wrong message to teens at a critical stage of their life – that breaking the laws is ok. It is not.

We encourage all of you to take the pledge: host substance free parties for teens. Don’t allow teens to possess or consume alcohol, marijuana, or other illegal substances; and discourage teens from attending parties where substances will be available to them.

For more information about the negative effects of teen drinking and how to talk to your youth about drinking please visit:


The Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office and The Van Buren County Prosecutor’s Office

Letters carried forward from 07-09

Is goal to make U.S. better, or destroy it?

To the Editor,

Many of us are greatly troubled about the condition of our Country. And when I use the word “Country” I’m referring to the people, not the land on which we live. It is the land of the free but many of us don’t feel very free. We have been taken hostage by people who hate this Country and those who blindly follow them.

For example, I recently took my mom to the Watervliet hospital. In front of the doctors’ offices was a sign supporting the group Black Lives Matter. I wonder if they bothered to find out anything about this group. Their website informs us that this group was started in 2013 by “three radical Black organizers” who founded their organization on a lie, the so called murder of a man who was a thief. When did criminals become heroes in America?

Among the many issues they list on their website are “LGBTQIA”, “Environmental Conditions” and “Gun Laws”. These women have radical views that are intended to destroy the America we love and the freedom we cherish.

I wonder if this is the same agenda Spectrum stands for. And if so, if I am not black can I expect to receive good and right medical treatment? Since when are hospitals political? Does this mean that a democrat, republican, independent, liberal, will receive different treatment? Why don’t ALL lives matter to Spectrum? An interesting note about Spectrum, the hospital that supports BLM, of the 83 pictures of people connected to running Spectrum on their website only two are black!

The real problem is not a black and white issue. The real issue is that America has rejected God and the Bible. The Bible teaches us to love everyone. It teaches us to respect others and treat them well, even if they hate you, (Mt. 5:44). It also teaches us to treat others like we want to be treated, (Mt. 7:12). The sad truth is that the Bible also describes a time when people will be selfish, unthankful, hateful and Godless, (2 Tim. 2:1-7). This may describe the world in which we live, but it doesn’t have to describe us individually.

Over the last 244 years has our country made mistakes and committed sins? Yes! But this Country has done more things right than wrong. And this Country has repented and corrected a lot of the sins committed. I am very thankful for Freedom. But I am greatly thankful for Forgiveness. I wonder how many of those protesting and rioting have dark spots in their background. Could it be their goal is not to make our Country better but to destroy it? Spectrum, America, WAKE UP!

God Bless the USA!

A concerned citizen who loves this country and ALL who live here,

Mark Manning

Letters carried forward from 07-02

Poppy weekend generates generous donations

Dear Editor,

Every year during the Memorial Day weekend, the Coloma American Legion Auxiliary Unit 362 distributes poppies for donations at certain businesses in the area. These little red flowers are made by disabled veterans. The money that is collected is used only to help veterans and their families who are in financial need.

Auxiliary members would like to thank the residents and visitors in Coloma and Watervliet for their generous donations this year. Thank you to Coloma Harding’s, Coloma Wesco and Watervliet Wesco for allowing us to distribute the poppies at their businesses. And a big thank you to all the volunteers who spent hours at a time passing out poppies and collecting money. Without their thoughtfulness in thinking of those in need our program would not have the success that it does.

Thank you everyone.

Lori Olejniczak

Poppy Chairman

Coloma American Legion

Auxiliary Unit 362

Looking for happy news? “Happy, happy, happy!” I was given opportunity to deliver the Bible message in a church some years ago. I asked the lead pastor if he had any suggestions. His response was, “Just do something encouraging.” Encouraging? Something positive? I delivered a message on the hymn “Be Thou My Vision”, an 8th century Irish hymn about the conflicting interests that the author (anonymous – probably a monk) found within himself as he battled his way through the challenges of life. He lived in a culture of power struggles at many levels. However, some of the greatest struggles were from within – questions of personal allegiance. It wasn’t just a “happy, happy, happy” message for the church that evening. It was a challenge to put first things first. The prophet Jeremiah’s message was a challenging one as well. Jeremiah didn’t like to deliver unhappy messages, but he was required to do so when needed. He had asked God to relieve him of his unhappy duties, but God denied Jeremiah’s request. In Jeremiah chapter 5 for example, the message was that God had given the nation opportunity for repentance, but that they had refused. Now their time was up. They would face the fruits of their misdeeds. Not a happy message. While God has dealt specially with Israel over the centuries, there are some principles that apply to all nations. For example, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people”. (Proverbs 14:34, NIV) Also not a happy message. Do we also stand guilty as a nation before God? Have we strayed from justice for the poor and for the weak? Have we denied protection for the vulnerable? Have we selfishly insisted on our own rights to the harm of others? Does immorality engulf us? May we not miss our chance for repentance. Don’t just look for happy. Happy may not be the only message right now.

This week’s important legislation I hope everyone has been having a safe and enjoyable summer thus far. This week we are back in Lansing for continued talks on our budget and return to learn plan, but also to vote on issues of great importance to Southwest Michigan families. Senate Bill 956 prohibits COVID-19 patients from being placed in a nursing home unless it has a dedicated COVID-19 unit and requires the department to complete a study to put together a new plan for placing COVID-19 patients not eligible for hospital care in a regional hub. Individuals who reside in nursing homes should not have to be concerned that they will contract COVID-19 from another individual who was placed in that facility due to the governor’s executive actions. SB 956 requires actions to be taken by the departments and the facilities to ensure that patients are adequately cared for while protecting other residents within the facility. I will support this bill because nearly every person I have talked to in our community that has a loved one in a nursing home is afraid of what may happen to their loved ones should this misguided policy continue. Additionally, there will be legislation that would prohibit the use of firefighting foam concentrate containing PFAS in firefighting training exercises; and require that training must include the proper use, handling, and storage of firefighting foam concentrate containing PFAS. Ever since the discovery of PFAS two years ago in Southwest Michigan, it has remained committed to sponsoring and supporting policies that promote the detection and prevention of PFAS in our water. It is in that interest why I will support House Bill 4391 this week. If you have any questions and do not know who to contact, please reach out to my office at or (517) 373-0839 so my staff and I can get you connected with the resources you need.

Free informational publications available for SW MI families Part of the free services my office provides residents of the 21st Senate District are a host of online publications that help you get to know your government, save some money, and find fun family things to do throughout our state, any time of year. These free online publications may be downloaded at your leisure and read with any PDF viewing application, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. Certain web browsers, like Google Chrome, have built-in capabilities to read PDFs as well. Among the free publications you can access on my website is an update on Michigan’s new auto no fault law that took effect July 1. The brochure is designed to help answer questions drivers may have about the changes to our auto insurance system, though before making a final decision, you should consult with an auto insurance agent, insurance company or financial advisor. Another great publication is a guide to veterans benefits and services for those who have served in the military and their survivors and dependents. The booklet provides information about obtaining veterans benefits and services available through federal, state and local agencies. Topics range from acquiring a home mortgage, education, employment and insurance to medical treatment and other benefits. The Services for Seniors booklet describes state programs and services related to tax credits and additional taxation issues, Medicare and Medicaid, nursing homes and other long-term care options, consumer protection, housing, transportation, employment, and senior discount programs, all to enhance senior living. There are also guides posted each spring/summer and winter to help connect families with great outdoor opportunities regardless of the season. The guides highlight many fun activities statewide and in our community. There are also several publications dedicated to children, including coloring books on Michigan history and child safety, as well as student guides on the legislative process and a guide for graduating seniors. Other interesting publications include a self-guided tour of the state Capitol, copies of the Michigan and U.S. constitutions, and guides on the 100th Legislature and on how state and local governments operate. All these and many others are available free anytime at Please note that because of the COVID-19 virus, some or even many of the events and locations highlighted in these documents may be temporarily postponed or closed. Be sure to contact any event host or location before making plans. You may contact my office with any questions or to arrange for a physical copy of these publications to be delivered if you are unable to access them online. My office can be reached at 517-373-6960 or

Southwest Michigan businesses front and center in the fight against COVID Last week in Benton Harbor, I had the honor of recognizing a number of great Southwest Michigan businesses that have gone above and beyond to produce critical personal protective equipment in our fight against the coronavirus. When COVID first landed on American soil back in March, little did we know that Plexiglas shields, face masks, and hand sanitizer would be flying off store shelves faster than they could be replaced. Fortunately, local businesses transformed their normal operations virtually overnight to accommodate the production and distribution of PPE and other crucial materials. Thanks to their ingenuity and goodwill, we are delivering more medical supplies and protective equipment to our brave frontline workers fighting day and night to put an end to this vicious virus. We truly cannot thank our “Made In Michigan” Heroes enough for their invaluable contribution and commitment to our community, and I am grateful for everything they have for us who call Southwest Michigan home. In the coming weeks, we are looking to plan a similar event in Kalamazoo, so be sure to contact my office if you know a “Made In Michigan” Hero that deserves to be recognized! To learn more about important legislative issues, follow me on Twitter at @RepFredUpton or by visiting my website: You can also call my offices in Kalamazoo (269-385-0039), St. Joseph/ Benton Harbor (269-982-1986), or Washington, D.C. (202-225-3761).

Hepatitis A prevention In 2018, Michigan experienced a significant outbreak of hepatitis A across the state. Some areas of Michigan, especially southeast counties, are still considered to be in an outbreak of hepatitis A, given the large numbers of active cases. Hepatitis A is a serious, highly contagious liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is found in the feces (poop) of people with hepatitis A. You can get hepatitis A by eating contaminated food or water, during sex, or just by living with an infected person. Illness can appear 15-50 days after exposure and you can be sick for several weeks. In some cases, people can die. Although not all people infected with hepatitis A experience illness, symptoms can include: nausea and vomiting, belly pain, feeling tired, fever, loss of appetite, yellowing of the skin and eyes, dark urine, pale-colored feces (poop), and joint pain. There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of Hepatitis A transmission. Hepatitis A is a vaccine-preventable illness. While the hepatitis A vaccine is recommended as a part of the routine childhood vaccination schedule, most adults have not been vaccinated and may be susceptible to the hepatitis A virus. The best way to reduce the risk of getting hepatitis A is to get vaccinated with two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine. It is also recommended to wash your hands after going to the bathroom and before preparing meals for yourself and others. The public health response has included increased healthcare awareness efforts, public notification and education, and outreach with vaccination clinics for high-risk populations. No common sources of food, beverages, or drugs have been identified as a potential source of infection. Transmission appears to be through direct person-to-person spread and illicit drug use. Those with history of injection and non-injection drug use, homelessness or transient housing, and incarceration are thought to be at greater risk in this outbreak setting. Notably, this outbreak has had a high hospitalization rate. To find more information, visit

THE DEPTHS OF SUMMER COULD BE HAPPIER… here we are on the cusp of the presidential election with the primary election August 4. Citizens have petitioned friend and neighbors for their votes to public office. The top vote getters in the primary will be back on the general election ballot to face off with other primary winners of the opposite party. Also, on the August ballot could be requests for millage (taxes) for such causes as operations of the local school, public services cost for police, fire and ambulance operations equipment replacements. It seems the winds of summer have blown out all the fun and excitement along Main Streets and neighborhoods. Actually, it’s the COVID-19 virus pandemic that is sucking out the cheery and bright days of summer. When we all survive the worst the evil germ can threaten us, it will be time for a giant Tri-City party. There should be fireworks, parades, school proms and graduations, sidewalk sales and such. I’m ready to see the dusty, dry, desolate days shoved aside and replaced with hustle and bustle we are happiest to celebrate.


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