On Monday, July 22, 2024 the Hartford City Commissioner’s business meeting was called to order by Mayor Richard Hall promptly at 5:30 p.m., after reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
During the meeting, the commissioners voted to enter a subrecipient grant agreement which will allow the City Manager, Nicol Brown, to accept a grant that was awarded to the city.
In February 2024, the stakeholders of Hartford, Michigan applied to a Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Spark Grant to fund improvements to Ely Park.
The Spark Grant program is a partnership between the MDNR and the Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF). The program provides funding to Michigan communities that have been most affected by COVID-19, with a focus on public health and economic opportunities.
In July 2024, the CMF announced that it had awarded $24.2 million to 29 communities through the program. And of those awarded, the City of Hartford was among them. Their award of $869,900 will be used for Ely Park improvements, including additional parking spaces along Michigan Avenue, new sidewalks, lighting and electrical upgrades within the park, and pavilion and restroom improvements. The grant closeout date is Sept. 30, 2026, so all work must be completed by that time.
In other improvements, the streetscape project is moving along schedule as reported in the City Manager’s report for July. The flowers in the planters have been divided out into several flower pots, and placed throughout the downtown area.
The old planters were demolished and sidewalk repair or replacement will be next on the schedule. The final step in the project is the addition of perennials that will be planted in the third or fourth week of August.
Resident John Spoula challenged some of the board members’ code of conduct and expressed his concern with how they are, in his words, “slacking,” and he wants better for Hartford in the future.
The board reviewed the following communication:
Date set for the Council Special Meeting on Monday, July 29 at 5:30 p.m. in Closed Session to address police matters.
Treasurer’s report
The board approved the paying of bills totaling $329,461.94, for July 22, 2024.
The board received a two-page goals and action plan set by the city manager that spells out the items Brown plans to address over the next 12 months. Things on the list include updating the employee handbook, amending the Zoning Ordinance, and creating a Rental Registration Ordinance. Other items made the list like; a Capital Improvement Plan, report on the condition of local & major roads, and developing a schedule of maintenance, to name a few.
All reports and minutes were approved as presented.
Introductions of Resolutions or Amendments
The following resolutions were passed: Resolution 2024–028 Enter into a Subrecipient Grant Agreement; Resolution 2024–029 to authorize a Letter of Support for USDA Grant; Resolution 2024-039 authorizing the Purchase of a Department of Public Works Vehicle; Resolution 2024-032 to Approve Decorating City Hall & Ely Park For Christmas; and they also passed Resolution 2024-033 approving the already completed Water/Sewer Connection for Hartford Township Emergency Services Building & Township Hall and the tap fees for the utilities.
However, two resolutions failed. They were Resolution 2024-023A regarding the cellular lease and Resolution 2024-031 to not vacate the city’s right of way on the east end of Reynolds Street. The law states the city can vacate its right of way to the owners on each side of the parcel, splitting it 50/50 down the center line. The land would then be offered to the property owner at 211 Church Street and Hartford Public Schools, the property owners on either side of the city’s right of way since the vote was to vacate. However, the city could not offer the property owner at 302 Spaulding Street access to the right of right even though they had requested to do so. Furthermore, the property owner at 211 Church Street should stop maintaining the right of way at the east end of Reynolds Street and allow the city to maintain its right of way until further decisions are made.
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.