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Senate Republicans defended your tax cut

Last week, Senate Republicans successfully protected an automatic income tax rate rollback from being overturned. Michiganders know how to spend their hard-earned money better than the government, and this cut to the income tax rate will benefit everyone across our state. We must continue working to lower the cost of living and doing business in Michigan to grow our economy and stay competitive with neighboring states.

We will continue to advocate for meaningful and ongoing tax relief that benefits all Michiganders, not just a select few. We can and should be working together to help all seniors and all families with long-term tax relief. This is why Republicans have proposed additional tax relief for all seniors rather than a select few, further income tax reductions for all Michiganders, and $500 child tax credits to help struggling families. Leaving more resources to families and small businesses, expanding freedom, and encouraging hard work and investment sets a strong foundation for a healthy economy and brighter future for all Michiganders.

While this tax cut is welcome news, there is still more work to be done. Michigan has tremendous potential, and we know what policies work. I will continue fighting to expand freedom, promote economic opportunity for everyone, balance budgets, reduce debt, and invest in our priorities.

Should you have any questions or concerns about the legislature or state government, please do not hesitate to contact my office by going to You may also reach out toll-free by calling (855) 347-8020. My staff would be happy to assist with issues you may be having with state government agencies, and I look forward to listening and learning about your priorities and concerns for our state.


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