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Watervliet Fire Department to get 0% interest loan from township and city for new pumper engine

Writer's picture: Pamela QuinnPamela Quinn

The Watervliet Charter Township monthly board meeting on Monday, July 15, 2024 opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Mary Pater, board member, and Township Clerk, Patt Bambrick were absent.

Watervliet Fire Department Chief, Bill Whitney attended the meeting to address the board regarding the purchase of a new pumper truck for the department.

The meeting got under way with routine business of the approval of the May and June board meeting minutes. In addition, the June treasurer’s report was given by Township Treasurer, Tom Scheid reflecting the General ledger of $3,410,206.87 and in Certificates of Deposit/money market accounts at $1,154,068.00 equaling a total of $4,564,274.87 in fund balance.

The board approved June bills: General $230,928.35 and payroll $24,977.28, totaling $255,905.63.

Election candidates visit

Amy Byrd introduced herself as running for Berrien County Prosecutor. She has spent the last 15 years as a prosecutor for Berrien County.

Next up was Albert Mais running for 5th District Court judge in Berrien County. And the last introduction was made by Richard (Dick) Overton; candidate for Michigan’s 39th House of Representatives.

Department updates

There was no representative present from Medic 1 but the board did receive a report of call times. No discussion took place.

Scheid reported a total of 22,630 gallons of sewage was processed at the Paw Paw Lake water treatment plant in June. A little over 8,000 gallons was from the townships at a cost of $31,522. A generator was purchased for the plant at a cost of $138,000.

Joint Fire Board member, Deane Fizzell reported that 21 calls were responded to in the previous period by the Watervliet Fire Department. He also reported that the fire department put markers along the river to assist with location, in case of emergencies.

Berrien County Sheriff’s Department reported 41 calls in June within the Watervliet Township area.

There was not an update from Township Supervisor Joe Stepich.

Community reports

Dave Vollrath, 1st District Berrien County Commissioner, reminded those present of the upcoming renewals for the 9-1-1 System, Senior Centers and Public Safety millages.

Volunteer Pam Quinn reported on HOPE Resources; 146 households were serviced in the Coloma, Watervliet and Hagar/Riverside area for June - that is 143 children, 207 adults, and 86 seniors. This included 28 home deliveries and 1,425 pieces of clothing given out.

Project updates

Broadband internet is being installed around Paw Paw Lake. Those affected will be notified.

Lake Project: A feasibility study of Paw Paw Lake by Progressive/ae will be conducted on the use of drudging or treatment with aluminum sulfate. The total cost will be $55,000, of which the township will be responsible for 54% of the cost. The sampling will be conducted by Barr Engineering Co. out of Minnesota and will determine the internal phosphorus source and levels. Barr will also provide dose and application strategy.

Old business

The Special Event Ordinance is still tabled.

The fall dump passes contract covers 90 passes or a total of 153 yards at a cost of $32.70 per yard. If all passes are used it will cost $5,003. The township will pay as they are used. The board passed the use of fall dump passes.

New business

It was announced at the meeting that weed treatment on Paw Paw Lake will be conducted Wednesday, July 17.

The Resolution on Industrial Park Drive being turned over to Berrien County was discussed. Currently, it is a private drive that the township has been taking care of it. The board passed the resolution for the county to assume the care of this road.

Watervliet Fire Chief, Bill Whitney asked the township board to consider loaning money to the Watervliet

Fire Department to purchase a pumper/tanker engine now for delivery in 2027. Prepaying for one at this time will save money for the fire department and taxpayer’s money. The current purchase price is $1,057,816. By using a prepaid discount saves $120,897, bringing down the cost of the engine to $936,919.

The fire department has an agreement with the city of Watervliet for a non-interest loan of $120,170 dependent on a township agreement. The township portion would be 4 mills, or $790,200 at 0% interest. The remaining amount along with additional equipment or changes made to the apparatus will be the responsibility of the Watervliet Fire Department.

To pay back the loan, the 1994 tanker and the 2008 KME truck will be sold and the money will go to the township (estimated to sell for $120,000 to $170,000). The rest of the amount will be negotiated between the fire department and the township. An approximate timeline to pay back is estimated to be 6-7 years.

Whitney told the board that the cost of a fire engine has gone up significantly since COVID and expected to go up 1% per month. Also on the horizon, the ladder truck was purchased in 2012 and the engine /tanker in 2018. Due to ISO ratings that govern the insurance premiums on homeowners insurance, an apparatus must be replaced every 25 years to maintain a “class A” rating along with other requirements. By getting a loan from the city and township will save the tax payers from a millage and save them approximately $640,000.

The board passed the request for the loan. There was some discussion on a 2% interest, since it was going to take a while to repay, suggested by Bob Wallace. But the board voted on a no interest loan.

The Planning Commission requested a change on the Nuisance Ordinance violations from a Misdemeanor to Municipal Civil Infraction. The change would greatly simplify the enforcement action and reduce costs and prevent a criminal charge. The board passed this change.

Public comments

Township resident, Rich Quinn asked two questions. The first was: what happened to the fireman statue at the fire department? Per Whitney the members sold it to Lawrence and they are getting a new one. When asked why, Whitney said the members did not want to be reminded of the past fire chief “it looked like him”.

The second question directed to the board was, is it time to look into a fire district with the high cost of fire engines. Per Supervisor Stepich, there have been discussions on forming a fire district with Coloma and Riverside/Hagar, but a lot of logistical challenges would need to be worked out.

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